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What’s it like running a family yoga centre, then?

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Friday, April 22, 2005

Just want to direct you to a great article by my sister Uma on the work that she’s doing running a yoga centre in London:

About sixty med students in a giant gym are being spun around in a strange form of holistic therapy circuit-training. In addition to the Sitaram mini yoga class set up in one corner, there is Nick the acupuncturist from the Gateway clinic needling everybody’s ears, a massage therapist in the back of the hall teaching Indian head massage, Yinka the oesteopath manipulating spines behind some screens, and Ilena the homeopath holding court in the lecture theatre.

After initial introductions, the doctors in training spend twenty-five minutes in turn with each of us, moving from one practitioner to the next. When they get to the yoga mats and realise they can take off their shoes and lie down, they all decide they love it the best, and seem fascinated to discover how the yoga they are doing can be modified and adapted for everyone from a three day old baby through to an ageing ex marathon runner with chronic lower back problem and shoulders so stiff he can’t lift his arms. I tell them all about the nursery class earlier in the week, and emphasise the benefits of yogic breath and relaxation. They don’t take much convincing. It is a great event to be part of: sowing seeds of positive yoga therapeutic experience for our future generations of doctors.

The full article is here, on my sister’s site.

Posted by David in • Life
