Blog Life

Bumper Stickers

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

This town loves its bumper stickers – and there are many different sorts.

Firstly, there’s the Euro-tastic country-code stickers beloved of expats. So you’re Swiss, and you make sure you’ve got a CH sticker on your car, or a GB (most often seen on the back of Land Rovers), or SW (most often seen on the back of Volvos) or any number of other ones.

Here I must confess, we’re no different. There’s an IRL sticker waiting to go on the bumper of the CRV. When I worked in the Silicon Valley for an Irish company, my time on the commute down the 101 from San Francisco was spent watching all the Euro stickers go past. Given all the Irish folks in our company, people used the county stickers for extra granulation – so I knew it was Ronan’s black Civic coupe because it had the three towers of Dublin on the back.

The second main category are the political ones, from the mainstream Democratic Party ones, through the subtle anti-Bush ones (a W with a line through it), to the more outspoken ones:

‘Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing its idiot’

‘Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?’

‘I believe in the separation of Church and Hate’

Then there’s the range of spiritual/slightly hippy ones (often seen on the backs of ancient Subarus):

‘Visualize turn signals’

‘Visualize World Peace’

‘Visualize Whirrled Peas’

‘Dog is my co-pilot’

There’s plenty more out there, so when I see some good ones, I’ll stick in a comment. And you’re welcome to do the same.

Posted by David in • Life
