Blog Life

After an absence

Friday, August 20, 2004

Sorry it’s been a while since I posted. Here’s a breakdown of what’s been occurring:

Camping: last weekend a bunch of us went up to the nearby campgrounds in the hills and ate until we couldn’t eat any more. Car camping has its advantages – including the ridiculous amount of good food you can bring with you – and we sat around the fire, told ghost stories, cooked, then cooked some more and went to sleep under the stars. Very good.

Olympics watching: my once-every-four-year foray into unlikely sports. Watching Paul Hamm and Svetlana Khorkina in the gymnastics was like meeting old friends again. And there’s always time for a bit of archery or kayaking. And the track and field stuff hasn’t even started yet. US coverage is a bit patchy – tons of softball, but no field hockey and precious little cycling – but I’m doing OK with it.

Weather update – the monsoon storms are getting more sporadic now (although we had a good dump last night), and there’s more of a nip in the air. Soon we’ll be heading into autumn.

Green fingers – there’s been a new addition to our family: a russian sage plant (called Nikolai), who’s taken up residence outside Marci’s study.

Book news – the smaller paperback edition of The Accidental Pilgrim should be out soon in Ireland and online, which is good because there are no more trade paperback sized copies to be had. That’s right, they ran out, which means a little under 3000 copies sold. Yay!

Posted by David in • Life
