Blog Santa Fe and New Mexico

The day the (gospel) music died

Sunday, November 06, 2005

dining utensilsOne of the problems of living in a tourist town like Santa Fe (and especially having an office downtown) is that there are precious few places for locals to eat in the heart of things.

And this situation has been made worse by the closure of Carlos’ Gosp’l Cafe, a regular stop on our lunctime circuit. No more Miles Standish sandwiches for us, and it’s goodbye to the green chile turkey melt.

Aside from the Subway and the underwhelming and slightly overpriced Plaza Cafe, the pickings are slim for a cheap quick fill up (if you want upscale dining, that’s a different story, and there are enough cafes to keep you in lattes – it’s just the space in the middle we’re lacking).

The good news is that there are excellent locals’ options a little further away from downtown: Harry’s, Dave’s, Counter Culture, Cloudcliff . . . If any of these establishments were magically transported to Dublin, they’d wipe the floor with almost every place you can think of.

But getting to them means driving, and one of the attractions of life here is the smallscale nature of downtown life. Except if you’re hungry.

UPDATE: The Santa Fe Reporter (situated even closer to Carlos’ Gosp’l than our office is) ran a cover story on the subject, entitled ’Requiem for a Sandwich

Posted by David in • Santa Fe and New Mexico
