Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Finally feel I’m getting somewhere with the route. The latest book, Flight from Famine by Donald Mackay details the successive waves of emigration from Ireland to Canada, and from it there’s a pattern emerging that matches what looks like a good bike journey with a historical reason for being there.
There’s an incredible amount of info on the Peter Robinson-led and government-backed emigrations of 1823 and 1825. Although these were atypical, being funded by the British govt, the specificity of people, place and story mean it’ll be great to follow them from Co. Cork to what became Peterborough, a little north of Lake Ontario.
In non-work news, still shaking my head of Michael Jackson’s weirdly naive and frightening performance in Martin Bashir’s adroit documentary last week. Give some people enough rope. . .
And after a particularly intense spinning session yesterday, I’m wondering if getting your heart rate to 208 bpm can be good for you.