Blog Life

Return to Bewleys

Saturday, May 15, 2004

‘God, isn’t it terrible they might be closing Bewleys down?’

It’s become a standard conversational gambit in Dublin to say the following:’God, isn’t it terrible they might be closing Bewleys down?’

Which is most often met with, ‘Yes, but the food and drink aren’t the best, and they haven’t kept up with all the other new cafes’.

I was in Bewleys in Grafton St yesterday, and it was a very pleasant experience. The cappucino was no worse than many I’ve had in town, and a lot better than some, and the atmosphere was as good as I remembered. The warm red space is great, and there were people lingering over their coffees and reading books – just like the old days.

So much better than most splash and dash places. If you don’t like it Bewleys, then you shouldn’t lament its passing. If you’ll be sorry to see it go, then maybe you should vote with your wallet, and actually start using the place again. It might surprise you.

Posted by David in • Life

Blog Life

Galway and Santa Fe – separated at birth?

Monday, May 10, 2004

it was abundantly clear that I’d be much happier there than in D7

museum_fine_arts.jpgGalway is like Santa Fe, New Mexico (shown left, or is that Galway?). Which is handy, as I like Galway, and I’m moving to Santa Fe.

Wandering around the city of the tribes on Saturday morning, the people looked not just like the sort of people who live in Santa Fe (liberal, not very fashionable, relaxed and a bit outdoorsy), but they looked like me. This also happens in the city different. A good arts scene, lots of great scenery and a better quality of life are other characteristics shared by Galway and Santa Fe.

The Galway cafes were less trendy and cheaper than Dublin, there was room to breathe (even on a busy Saturday), and it was abundantly clear that I’d be much happier there than in D7.

Which isn’t a complete surprise, as I’d been told this by Galwegian friends years ago, and have long since come to the conclusion that Dublin doesn’t really fit me any more. There are people like me in the city, but there are a lot more of all sorts of other different types of folks that I don’t enjoy being around so much.

So if I’d be better off in Galway, how does that leave me now I’m off to Santa Fe? In good shape, actually, as now I see that the reasons Galway would be right for me are also largely the reasons that Santa Fe will work too.

Even if there weren’t more pressing family matters bringing me to Santa Fe (a wife, a cat, a house . . . ) it would be a good place for me to consider moving to anyway.

Posted by David in • Life

Blog Life

Media frenzy

Sunday, May 09, 2004

armed with only a 50 yoyo voucher from last chrismas, I stalked the aisles in search of brilliance and bargains

Last weekend I went on a media frenzy in Tower Records. Armed with only a 50 yoyo voucher from last chrismas, I stalked the aisles in search of brilliance and bargains, and came away very pleased with myself.

First up, Black Books series 1 on DVD – I somehow managed to miss most of this when it was on, so now we’re armed when there’s something crap on TV – which is almost always these days.

Then came Original Pirate Material by The Streets – I’d ripped someone’s copy of this a while ago, and it was so good I was happy to buy the original (put that in your pipe and smoke it, you DRM fascists).

But surely, you must be thinking, that can’t leave much money left over for anything else.

Well, you’d think so, wouldn’t you. But by dint of a cool promotion with lots of CDs you’d actually like to buy all being priced ?10, I still had some cash left.

Enough for De La Soul’s greatest hits. Talk about kicking it old school. I hadn’t heard ‘Three is the Magic Number’ and ‘Me Myself and I’ for a very long time, but I’m happy to report they’ve aged well. ‘Oh,’ said Buendia, ‘that sounds a lot like Fat Boy Slim.’ Ain’t that the truth.

And there was still money left for Ron Sexsmith’s album ‘Whereabouts’. He’s one of those guys who’s always being compared to people I like (just as I was always being told that I’d like ‘A Walk Across the Rooftops’ by the Blue Nile, back in the day. And yes, I was that predictible – it’s fantastic). So it was well worth a punt with the remains of my Christmas voucher. And he’s good.

I felt like I was 16 again – rushing out of a record shop with stuff I really wanted to listen to right away. Amazon and Play and all those internet people are fine, but walking around town with some new discs still in their plastic feels great.

Posted by David in • Life

Accidental Pilgrim Blog

Cuttings and coverage

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

a while spent slaving over a hot scanner

A while spent slaving over a hot scanner has produced additions to the reviews and press coverage of the AP site. Head on over for everything from this weekend’s Irish Times piece, to me choosing my favourite place for the Sunday Tribune.

Posted by David in • Accidental Pilgrim

Accidental Pilgrim Blog

Site stats for April

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

The stats are pretty modest, but obviously a lot better than they would have been if I didn’t have a site.

Here are the key stats for the Accidental Pilgrim site for April:

Total Hits: 11021
Total Files: 8545
Total Pages: 1592
Total Visits: 539

Pretty modest, but obviously a lot better than they would have been if I didn’t have a site.

The press area has been handy for the journalists, and the traffic to the other areas is pretty equal. People have browsed the photographs, read about Columbanus and sorted through the sample chapters.

There’s more than 80 people out there who read at least one of the sample chapters last month, and with luck a few of them went on to buy the book.

So far in total there have been 1500 visits to the site, with 4400 pages served. Considering I spent maybe half an hour looking after the thing last month (must get the cuttings up soon), it’s been a great way to give people a bit more information about the trip and the book.

Posted by David in • Accidental Pilgrim

Accidental Pilgrim Blog

Irish Times and the Dubliner

Saturday, May 01, 2004

I’m in the Irish Times magazine today – a good interview and slightly bizarre photograph.

Also in The Dubliner magazine, talking about what little I know. I’ll scan all the cuttings in, and stick them up on the Accidental Pilgrim site when I get the chance.

And a happy May Day to everyone, with a warm welcome to all the accession states to the EU – welcome aboard.

Posted by David in • Accidental Pilgrim

Blog Life

Just another bike journey

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Today I nearly died three times on the way to work. And that’s only slightly more than normal when you ride a bike around Dublin.

Today I nearly died three times on the way to work. And that’s only slightly more than normal when you ride a bike around Dublin.

First was along the quays when a Transit van was passing me in the bus lane (where he shouldn’t have been anyway). The lane narrowed, but he kept his position and his speed, squeezing me against the kerb.

I banged on the side of the van, and fortunately the bus ahead of him stopped, so he had to stop, and I could extricate myself, with him yelling at me for daring to touch his van.

Next came on O’Connell Bridge, when I was going straight along the north quays. The lights changed, I went through, and saw piles of people crossing the road there in front of Freebird Records.

Most saw me (and the car behind me), but one guy just had his head down and was definitely not going to see me. ‘Look!’ I shouted, and he pulled up just before I would have run into him.

‘Get into the fuck away out of that!’ he said.

Finally I was going straight on at a crossroads near the East Wall Rd. A couple of cars had turned right across me as I approached, and a third just followed right behind them, not even seeing me. I slammed on the anchors and avoided him.

I’d been meaning to blog about cycling to work for a while – it’s something I’ve done almost every day for big chunks of the last ten years. I expect scrapes like that, and don’t really let them bother me, but just once I wanted to get them down in black and white.

Posted by David in • Life

Accidental Pilgrim Blog

Article in the Indo – ‘From dotcommer to Columbanus pilgrim’

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

‘I understand why you want to leave but you know that if you go, you’ll never be rich’

The Irish Independent asked me to write an article about the book, looking at the motivation behind the trip. I did – it’s hard to write and 800 word version of an 80,000 word book – and it was published yesterday. It begins,

‘I understand why you want to leave,’ said my boss, ‘but you know that if you go, you’ll never be rich.’

We were in his corner office in a building in the Silicon Valley. I had told him I wanted to leave my high-paying job and return to Dublin, and he was making sure I understood the ramifications. I did, and couldn’t wait to leave. I wanted my life back. 

And you can read it in full here (free registration required).

Posted by David in • Accidental Pilgrim

Accidental Pilgrim Blog

Monday morning in an industrial park near Tallaght

Monday, April 05, 2004

sitting next to Johnny Cash’s brother while we were both waiting to go on

I was just on Ireland AM – TV3’s breakfast television show. This meant a cab at 7.30am, make-up, nerves and sitting next to Tommy Cash (Johnny Cash’s brother) while we were both waiting to go on. Bizarre.

The interview on the sofa went well I think, but it’s hard to judge, and it seemed to be over very quickly, after the obligatory lots of sitting around. I’ve learnt my lesson with these interviews – bring a book (not your own), as everything takes longer than you expect.

Still, with the early start, I made it to the day job around the same time I would have done if I’d tumbled out of bed at a more usual hour.

Posted by David in • Accidental Pilgrim

Accidental Pilgrim Blog

Belay that last order – on the radio Monday

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I feel like I’ve just been in a long-running theatrical production

Well, I was in Newstalk (just next to the peppercanister church, if you’re interested) at five today, but it was to record an interview for broadcast next Monday afternoon on the Dublin Life show (listen online if you’re not beside a radio in Dublin – Apologies if you were waiting by the radio this evening.

The interview went well – Eoin Sweeney liked the book, and asked some slightly different questions from the regular lot.

Done with all the webby training now. We’ve all talked ourselves hoarse, and have inboxes piled high with stuff we haven’t had a chance to get to. The whole thing was a resounding success, but I feel like I’ve just been in a long-running theatrical production.

Posted by David in • Accidental Pilgrim
