Accidental Pilgrim Blog

Article in the Indo – ‘From dotcommer to Columbanus pilgrim’

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

‘I understand why you want to leave but you know that if you go, you’ll never be rich’

The Irish Independent asked me to write an article about the book, looking at the motivation behind the trip. I did – it’s hard to write and 800 word version of an 80,000 word book – and it was published yesterday. It begins,

‘I understand why you want to leave,’ said my boss, ‘but you know that if you go, you’ll never be rich.’

We were in his corner office in a building in the Silicon Valley. I had told him I wanted to leave my high-paying job and return to Dublin, and he was making sure I understood the ramifications. I did, and couldn’t wait to leave. I wanted my life back. 

And you can read it in full here (free registration required).

Posted by David in • Accidental Pilgrim
