My Rebel XT is getting longer and longer in the tooth. First was the XTi, then the XSi and now the XS.
Pop Photo’s hands-on gives us a good overview, and it’s great to see a new entry-level SLR on the cards, rather than the bottom of the range camera being a higher-level one from a couple of years ago.
The live view feature will help people coming from point and shoots, but I’m not sure how much I’d use it – if the camera’s away from my face it’s normally because it’s in a place where live view wouldn’t help me much anyway (above my head, on the ground . . . ).
US pricing’s not released yet, but it’s sure to come in under the XTi’s $685-ish with the 18-55mm IS kit lens.
If you’re already got a DSLR, it’d be a sideways move at best (unless it’s an original Rebel you’ve got), but it looks like a great deal for those starting out.
Definitely the drug-dealer approach – start you out on a relatively affordable package that’ll still repay some effort, and before you know it you’re down the expensive road towards L-lenses. I should know – it happened to me.