Life through a lens
I have a soft spot for this lens – the Canon 28-105mm f/3.5-4 USM (a bargain at $230), even though I no longer own it.
It was given to me by my mother-in-law when she upgraded her film SLR to digital, and it was partly responsible for reviving my interest in photography.
So, for that, I’ll always owe it a lot.
A good all-rounder
If you’re upgrading from a basic kit lens, the 28-105mm might be a good place to start. Its range is pretty good – 105mm on a 1.6x crop camera like the Rebel XTi is quite long, but you might find 28mm isn’t wide enough for landscapes – it’s nearly equivalent to 50mm on a film or full-frame digital camera.
The USM means focussing is fast and accurate, and the colors and contrast are acceptable.
I was very happy with a lot of the shots I took with it, and while the sharpness and overall quality don’t match the 24-105mm L I replaced it with, there can be no complaints about that, given its price.
On the downside
Given its lowest aperture is a variable f/4.5 to f/5, it struggles in low light. Which in this case means indoors in daytime, unless you’re in a sun-filled room.
You could try and jack up your ISO, but a better option if this is your main lens would be a cheap prime (like the $70 Canon 50mm f/1.8) as your indoor alternative.
Zoomed in, the lens extends considerably in length, and the whole thing starts to feel a little creaky and wobbly. It never caused me any troubles, but long-term, I’d worry about its reliability. In fact, my copy was my mother-in-law’s replacement for an earlier copy that ground to a halt when dust and dirt found their way in (there are no seals).
The Canon 28-105mm is a relatively inexpensive competent performer, and a few years ago it would have been a unequivocally good choice. Now, though I’d look at a few other lenses too – the Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8, and Canon EF 17-85mm IS
, for example.
They’re twice as much, though, so if you’re not shooting every day, and don’t do a lot of landscape photography, this might work out well for you.
In my case, it was rewarding enough to make me buy a whole bunch of more expensive lenses. So if you’re aware that it might be a gateway lens that could eventually lead you astray, buy it and have fun.
2 replies on “Lens review: Canon 28-105mm USM II”
this review makes me feel good, being spot on as the 28-105 is exactly what I own together with the nifty fifty f1.8II. I dream of course of L lenses (which I can’t afford) and what I am looking at as a next addition is the 85mm f1.8 or the 100mm f2 for portraits and discreet shooting of reluctant subjects (grandkids).
Hi Alex, thanks for your comment, and I’m glad it’s working out for you.