
John Naughton chooses Aperture

logoaperture20060925.jpgOne of my favourite bloggers and journalists (and no mean photographer) – John Naughton of the Observer in London – has taken the leap into Aperture for organising and editing his photo collection.

I look forward to his posts and articles on a range of topics, and his photography posts are well worth a look. He says:

I’ve decided that [Naughton’s friend and colleague] Quentin was right about Aperture as a tool for managing large numbers of images. What finally tipped me over the edge was finding that it was the best way of handling RAW images. It’s also very good for dealing with the archiving of large filesets.

And despite my recent printing woes, I agree that Aperture works brilliantly for managing and working on photographs.

Since I got the program around the same time as my digital camera, I literally find it hard to imagine working in a different way (a subject I’ll return to soon).