My friend Dave Walsh is currently on the Greenpeace ship Esperanza, having spent the last two months chasing Japanese ‘scientific’ whaling shapes around the Southern Ocean.
He’s a great photographer, and when it dawned on him that the ship contained a bunch of Canon gear he wondered what Canon’s stance on whaling is – especially given its commitment to other conservation efforts.
Here’s the upshot:
Here at Greenpeace, we support shooting whales… with cameras. But we’re surprised to learn that Canon, the world’s number one digital camera producer, isn’t willing to condemn using harpoons — despite their high-profile advertising and sponsorship programmes dedicated to wildlife and endangered species.
We wrote to Canon headquarters in Japan asking their CEO to speak out against Japan’s whaling programme. But Canon declined to take a stand against the killing of thousands of whales.
As a Canon user I’m not very happy about this, so I dashed off a quick letter to the CEO. Maybe you should think about doing the same. There’s more information here.