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Death and life in Photography Education

Darius Himes (from Radius Books and elsewhere) has a good article in this week’s Santa Fe Reporter looking at the issues facing photography education – and by extension, photography in general.

The questions currently being debated in academia are just as important for serious amateurs to be aware of:

In short, what constitutes the bedrock of an education in photography has been called into question; it begs to be redefined and reconfirmed. What students should learn in a Photo 101 class is precisely what is up for grabs. Should they learn how to process film or how to parse pixels? Should they learn how light objects or how to emulate that effect in Photoshop? And when should students learn how to think and talk about the conceptual underpinnings of the medium?

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Great political photos from Iowa

The Reuters team of photographers is in great form as the Iowa caucuses loom large:

“Hats off to the team of photographers assigned to candidates campaigning for Thursday’s Iowa caucuses. Even the most spritely of them must by now be feeling a bit weary but while some of us have wallowed in festive sloth and gluttony, they have continued to come up with ways to keep this relentless media opportunity looking interesting.”

(photo by Keith Bedford) Full story here.