
How to organize a photo show on the cheap

Before the show

Now the dust has settled from my opening in a local cafe, here are some details on how I sorted out the practicalities – in case they’re useful for other folks facing the somewhat daunting task of organizing your first show.

1) Find your location

I was very lucky in this regard. I go to Java Joe’s North pretty regularly (especially for a Friday morning latte and breakfast burrito), and have enjoyed looking a bunch of the artwork they have up, which changes every month.

I asked them how you get a slot, and it turns out all you do is ask. I showed Dave the owner some of my Moo Cards as I didn’t have my portfolio with me, and he said that was fine. I was signed up for the next free slot – a few months in the future.

Your experience will vary of course, but cafes, restaurants, public libraries and even supermarkets (Whole Foods do exhibitions, for example) are all places to try outside the full-on art gallery circuit (which is not an option anyway in lots of places).


My opening opening

Shots on the wall

So the opening reception went really well yesterday, and I enjoyed myself.

Lots of friends turned out which was gratifying, and the folks at Java Joe’s couldn’t have been more gracious or helpful.

And I sold a print (thanks, Steve and Susan), which was very gratifying.

Just a reminder if you’re in Santa Fe that the pictures are up in Java Joe’s North (in the De Vargas Shopping Center across from Albertsons) until March 6th, so feel free to grab a cup of something and take a look.

If you’re further afield, you can look at all the pictures at my online print shop.


Featured in NM Free Press

My show at Java Joe’s opens today, and as luck would have it, I’m also one of the featured photographers in the NM Free Press this week.

I’ve not seen a print edition yet, but they did a nice job online, and it’s a great to get such a nice write-up.

Hope to see some of you this afternoon. Now excuse while I go and fight off this cold.