News Online

Flickr, Friendfeed and Twitter – more David than you can handle

Since I’m a webby person, it’s probably no surprise to learn that I’ve been tweeting, flickring and friendfeeding with the best of them.

So if you’re similarly enmeshed in social networks of various online sorts, you’re more than welcome to follow along with the day to day travails of yours truly. I can’t promise blinding insights, but I keep up a regular stream of photos and news going, so feel free to jump in:

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Buy from the Virtual Show

If you can’t make it to Santa Fe for my show, or you’re reading this and you’ve already been, here’s the chance to buy a high-quality fine art print of one of the images in the show.

All the images in the show (and one more to make a baker’s dozen) are available from my Imagekind store.

News Personal

Announcing my first photography show – opening Feb 6th


You’re all cordially invited to my first photography show. It’s running from February 6th until March 4th at Java Joe’s North Cafe in the De Vargas Shopping Center, and there’s an opening reception on the first night (Feb 6th), from 5pm – 7pm.

I’ll mainly be showing my geometric/architectural images from around Santa Fe, but there’ll be one wall devoted to black and white children’s portraits.

Needless to say I’m really looking forward to it, and hope to see you there (free coffee included).

(details after the jump)


Winter Morning

Out this morning in my pyjamas to take some shots around the garden as the sun came up on the couple of inches of fresh snow we got overnight.

A good job I was out early, as it’s now 11.20am and most of the snow’s already melted.

Joining me was our dog Corrie, who loves the snow.

Embedding the slick Photoshelter slideshow into the post. Let’s see how it goes.

Photoshelter Tips/Tutorials

Integrating Photoshelter and WordPress – a quick guide

As a photographer and web designer, I’ve built my own photo sites and ones for other photographers, and I’ve always been frustrated, until I just combined Photoshelter with WordPress.

The problem is that photographers’ sites often need to combine both excellent photo handling and display, and also good handling of text-based pages.

Some photographers’ site solutions (especially Flash-based ones such as Evrium) don’t let you have more than the most basic amount of information about you – say 1 page of a bio, and 1 page of contact information.

But photographers might want to have a blog, details on the type of work they do, articles they’ve written . . . all kinds of stuff. This helps them differentiate themselves and do well in search engine listings.

But they also want great galleries, slideshows and if possible, the ability to sell prints or license their work right away.