Saturday, October 22, 2005
The news that fewer Americans are now buying SUVs is welcome – especially in these parts, where the 400-year-old roads aren’t built for Chevy Suburbans (so called because they’re the size of a small neighbourhood) or Nissan Armadas (named for the fleet of ship required to bring all the petrol they need).
But the cars people are buying instead are fugly.
Exhibit A – the Chrysler 300.
One of the more successful US-produced cars of recent years. It looks so square and squat it suggests it was sat on by a giant elephant.
Exhibit B – the Dodge Magnum.
There’s no angle from which this doesn’t look clumsy and malformed.
Plus it’s named for a choc-ice or a cheesy 80s detective, neither of which are that good.
Exhibit C – the entire Cadillac range.
The CTS, DTS and STS all look a lot like those fake luxury-barges Kia and Hyundai make. You know, the ones that if you squint at them in the distance you can see the Mercedes and Lexus shapes they ripped off, but when you get close you see how all the changes they’ve made have ruined the lines and overall effect. But the cadis are super expensive.
Exhibit D – the Buick Lacrosse.
Only old people buy Buicks (except in China, where they’re seen as hipster – go figure), which explains why you have to be partially-sighted to think they look good.
Special mention has to given to the estate or wagon versions of many of the US-produced cars which are even worse than the saloons. The 300M in particular resembles nothing so much as a hearse. Not such a stylin look. Add in the usual complaints about interior quality, hulking inefficient low-tech engines and problems going round corners, and I’m not sure why anyone would want one.
The US motor industry has partly been sheltered from reality for last few years while people bought big SUVs and didn’t care about fuel consumption. But now petrol is more expensive (relatively) here, European (and espeically Japanese) car markers must be rubbng their hands (except for VW, who can’t seem to buy a sale of their cars over here recently, for some reason).
Next year we’ll probably get a second car – Fionnuala will need increasing amounts of fetching and carrying, and we each have jobs to go to and all that – so I’m beginning to look at whats available right now.
For a start, we know it will be small and a hatchback – say the size of a Golf or Peuogeot 307 – which makes us weird here, but whatever. The new Golfs (available in Europe for some time) won’t make it here until the New Year, but I’m not so sold on them. But there are still a few options for something that looks less like than the back of a bus.
The Mazda 3 looks smart and is getting great reviews, while the Audi A3 4-door hatchback they’re offering here looks fantastic, if pricey: 2.0 litre turbo engine generating 200HP, great auto/manual transmission with paddle shifters, bombproof interior and great handling.
We’ll see what eventually happens, but one thing is sure. We’re not getting a Yankowagon that’s taken a bit hit with the ugly stick. And don’t get me started on Hummers.
(thanks to for the images.)
Posted by David in •