
Pity the trees

Friday, October 10, 2003

I don’t need a psychologist, I’ve got an editor. I just met up with her there, to go over the transcript again. She’d spotted all the areas where I was being a bit mealy-mouthed, or trying to paint over certain things.

But basically it’s clear what I have to do for the final version before the copy edit. Put a bit more of me in there, play down some of the duller days when I’m not talking to anyone and everything’s going fine, and add a few more entertaining digressions. It’s a fair bit of work, but it will definitely improve the finished book.

For those of you who are counting, this will be draft 4 since I sent it to them, and you can add one full revision before that, plus the valuable input from a couple of trusted friends. That’s a lot of work, and you can really see where it’s gone, when I think of the earlier versions.

There’s one downside to all this improvement – it means printing out another 230 pages, so it’s not much fun if you’re a tree.

Posted by David in